速報APP / 健康塑身 / drip. menstrual cycle and fertility trac

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility trac





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖1)-速報App

Menstrual cycle tracking helps you understand your cycle data and gives you insights into yourself and your body. Use drip to track your menstrual cycle and/or for fertility awareness. Unlike other menstrual cycle tracking apps, drip is open-source and leaves your data on your phone, meaning you are in control.

Key Features

• Track your bleeding, fertility, sex, mood, pain, and more if you want

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖2)-速報App

• Graphs to analyze cycle and period duration as well as other symptoms

• Get notified about your next period and required temperature measurements

• Easily import, export and password protect your data

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖3)-速報App

What makes drip special

• Your data, your choice. Everything stays on your device.

• Not another cute, pink app. drip is designed with gender inclusivity in mind.

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖4)-速報App

• Your body is not a black box. drip is transparent in its calculations and encourages you to think for yourself.

• Based on science. drip detects your fertility using the symptothermal method.

• Track what you like. Just your period or fertility symptoms, and more.

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖5)-速報App

• Open source. Contribute to the code, the documentation, translations and get involved with the community.

• Non-commercial. drip doesn’t sell your data, no ads.


drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖6)-速報App

• All the condriputors!

• The Prototype Fund

• The Feminist Tech Fellowship

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖7)-速報App

• The Mozilla Foundation

drip. menstrual cycle and fertility tracking(圖8)-速報App